Dr. Zena Xanders is your “Healthstylist”
for the 21st Century
More and more Baby Boomers are turning 60 everyday. In this
exciting transition it is more important than ever to make wise
and healthy lifestyle choices. Living longer isn’t much
fun if you’re not healthy and vital enough to enjoy it!
80% of our health and wellness is under our own control. It
is determined by our nutrition and lifestyle choices.
After becoming a doctor of chiropractic, Dr. Xanders went on
to specialize in women’s issues in the areas of metabolism,
hormone balancing, and gut health. She has studied with Dr.
John Lee (“What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause”)
and with Dr. Diana Schwarzbein (“The Schwarzbein Principle”
and “The Program”) and is a certified Schwarzbein
She is currently a health consultant who speaks and educates
people on how to be well and feel well, especially in the second
half of their life. She is a radio personality with a previous
show, “The Kitchen Charismatics,” on FM107 Minneapolis/St.
Paul, and is currently the co-host of “The BigBrain Radio
Show” on AM950, AirAmerica MN.
She is committed to inspire people to “Keep The Zest for
Life!” |